Suesan | I Love Rain

I manage to knew this lovely girl through my girl friend as they are both colleague, i haven't got a chance to meet up her in person only through msn and facebook chat.

We manage to discuss and shoot her portrait over a night and we shoot immediately next morning after a long night party :D

We don't have a theme to shoot , not even select any place to shoot also , the weather was good initially but turned bad after our lunch break and we decided to shoot under the heavy rain. The shot took us about 15 minutes to complete the " I Love Rain" series :)

Special thanks to the lovely umbrella from suesan and of cause my lovely girl friend hold the umbrella for me make sure that im not wet :P and of cause not to forget to thank my bei bei for the make up done for suesan :D

Here goes the result tadaaaaa ...

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Art De Mariée De Plage

Danielle Khor, Penang top model , gave me an awesome chance to shoot a couple portrait for their memory. This is the first time I meet her in person, to my surprise she is really friendly and co-operative! A sincere thanks to HY who participated in the shoot out and the venue arrangement. Special thanks to Angela Kang who provided fantastic make up for Danielle, it was simply fabulous, THANK YOU !!

The weather was rather worrying in the morning as the could was showing sign of rain, with dark could and strong wind when we arrive at the beach. We were really freaking out during the preparation, however, to my pleasant surprise, the weather gave me some really wonderful shots!

Following is the preview for the shoot out! Stay tune for more!

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