Suesan | No Boundaries

If you still remember the previous album "suesan | I Love Rain" this series actually we took in the morning before rain :P

This album took us about 1 hour session to shoot and all the idea came out spontaneously. We were just having fun shooting at the construction side. The wind blew and the sky was blue totally love the weather !!!

Shooting with young energetics girls isn't that fun as we running here and there :P and i was sweating like no body business ~~ Well here are some of the highlights of the day hope you guys like it !!

Suesan- No Boundaries (2)
Suesan- No Boundaries (8)
Suesan- No Boundaries (3)
Suesan- No Boundaries (6)
Suesan- No Boundaries (7)
Suesan- No Boundaries (4)
Suesan- No Boundaries (5)
Suesan- No Boundaries (9)
Suesan- No Boundaries (1)
Suesan- No Boundaries (10)

More Than Just A Photo - Hip List 2010

Glad to announce that Alextan Art Works will be featured in The Hip List 2010 Magazine " The Art Of Malaysia Wedding Photographers " For those who have no idea what is HIP LIST is you can always refer to THE HIP LIST for more information.

Never though before my work would be list in HIP LIST , really glad that i have a chance to share my artworks through here :) Getting excited and looking forward for the 1st issue in coming Sept !!!!!!

Here are my layout for HIP LIST 2010 :)

Hip List 1&2
1st & 2nd Page

Hip List 3&4
3rd & 4th Page